Frédéric Lodéon celebrates his 70th birthday with a box of 21 CDs



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The French cellist, conductor and radio host Frédéric Lodéon was the guest of the 23 Hours of franceinfo, Friday January 21.

For the 70th anniversary of the musician and radio man, the box of 21 CDs Frédéric Lodéon – The Flamboyant (Erato) brings together his production of cellist, conductor and radio host. “There is something to sustain musically”, confides Frédéric Lodéon, who nevertheless stopped playing the cello in 1989. “Classical music is very sensitive music, it’s the music that speaks to us about ourselves, about the human”, he adds.

It was an accident that opened other doors for the cellist. “I stupidly fell down a flight of stairs and then it got worse on my wrist. This allowed me to conduct an orchestra on the boat France. It went so well that I said to myself: caramba, I can do something else”, specifies Frédéric Lodéon who celebrates his 70th birthday on January 26th.

What is the piece that upsets Frédéric Lodéon? An interpretation of Antonin Dvořák by Mstislav Rostropovitch. “He had an incredible passion and gifts, prodigious, almost unfair. The sound of the cello is so rich and powerful. He is a man who has been committed all his life”, is moved the artist and radio man.


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