For two years, at the invitation of the Maison de l’image d’Aubenas and the association Les Ecrans de Valence, Frederic Lecloux led a photographic creation residency aiming to highlight the territorial anchoring of cinema in Ardèche and Drôme, and more broadly in the rural world.
Started in November 2019 in Meeting of European cinemas in Aubenasthis residency continued from festival to traveling session under the stars, from classroom to dark room, from projection under the stars to party hall, from village to village, from town to valley, to the confines of the plateau. Ardèche…
Initially scheduled to close in August 2020 at Estates General of the Documentary Film of Lussasit extended until spring 2022, including the work of the photographer Anne-Lore Mesnage which revisits the places that served as the setting for filming in the Drôme.
The book will be released on Friday June 17 by Editions “Le Bec en l’air”.
An exhibition of the photos will take place at Lux and at the Cartoucherie from January 25 to February 26, 2023.
– ©Lisa Boniface
Born in 1972 in Brussels, Frederic Lecloux has lived in Nyons, in Drôme Provençale, for about twenty years. Self-taught photographer, graduate of the National School of Photography in Arles, he is collection director for Le Bec en l’air editions and his work is distributed by Agence VU’.
Born in 1982 in Normandy, Anne-Lore Mesnage graduated with a Master’s degree in Humanities and Human Sciences, photography and cinema options from the University Louis Lumière in Lyon. Between 2007 and 2014 she worked as an iconographer for the Agence VU’ and then for the Tendance Floue collective. Based in Nyons since 2016, she created RN7, a structure dedicated to author photography where she organizes workshops and the residency “Les Nouvellesoubliees”.
– C.Bernard
More informations :
272 pages
70 color photographs and 29 black and white