Frédéric Bouraly, his love at first sight for his wife Céline: “When I saw her, I was only thinking of her”

This Monday, December 6, 2021, M6 broadcasts in prime time The good life, a special episode of the series Scenes of households. Viewers will then be able to discover new adventures of our favorite couples, including the one formed by the emblematic Liliane and José. For more than ten years, these characters have been interpreted wonderfully by Valérie Karsenti and Frédéric Bouraly. Fiction, however, has never joined reality between the two actors. The first flourished with François Feroleto as for his friend, he has been married and in a relationship for several years with a certain Celine Dulac.

These two met in 1988 and have never left each other since. Love at first sight on the set of the sitcom Roll on Monday!. Céline Dulac was not there as an actress but as a costume designer. “I was in underwear, she is a costume designer. I had to come a long way behind“, he remembered on the set of I love you etc (France 2) in March 2020. A fun and unglamorous meeting that still allowed them to fall for each other. Moreover for Frédéric Bouraly, it was obvious. “I thought it was her. I felt it. (…) When I saw her, I was only thinking of her“, he confided again.

Frédéric Bouraly and Céline Dulac subsequently became the parents of two boys, Lucien and Félix. And it was not until 2015 that they decided to get married, in Tourtour in the Var. A great moment that the actor will never forget. “I’ll try to talk about it without crying … It’s strong … The advantage of getting married when you’re not young is that you know what it represents. the friends, the friends and the children who were there … It was very emotional (…) It was quite extraordinary“, he explained in the program of Daphné Bürki.

It is now in this small town in the South that lovers plan to one day settle permanently. “Even though I’m lucky to have a busy professional life in Paris, our plan would be to settle here when we retire“, he announced in the pages of the newspaper nice morning in September.

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