Frédéric Bierry calls on presidential candidates to speak out

What do the candidates for the presidential election think of Alsace’s exit from the Grand Est? In one three-page letter sent to the twelve pretenders to the ElyséeFrédéric Bierry invites them to take up the subject and express their views.

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Manage my choices

This was the objective of the President of the European Community of Alsace since the launch of the citizen consultation on December 21, 2021: influence the presidential election and make Alsace one of the issues in the ballot. Frédéric Bierry keeps his word by alpagating the candidates for the presidential election in this letter.

By way of introduction, the President of the ECA highlights “record abstention” of “more than 60% of registered nationally” during the regional and departmental elections of 2021. And the elected Alsatian to praise the merits “wider public debate”for “restore vital oxygen to democratic ties”. “I am deeply convinced that this is a lever for democratic renewal”, insists Frédéric Bierry.

Put Alsace in the programs

Beyond the form, the president of the CeA insists on the mobilization of Alsatians to answer the question “Should Alsace leave the Grand Est to become a region in its own right again?”. With a lot of figures – 153,844 participations, 142,200 for, or 92.4% of the votes -, Frédéric Bierry (LR) intends to prove the legitimacy of the approach, takes the opportunity to scratch his enemy brother president of the Grand Est region Jean Rottner (LR), and asks in conclusion: “We are waiting for you to take a position on the subject and for you to pass a law to allow Alsace to once again become a region in its own right”.

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