Video length: 2 min
Scams: Fraudulent techniques on the rise
Using fake text messages, scammers have managed to obtain their victims’ bank cards, sometimes robbing them of thousands of euros.
The scam for this student began with a call from an unknown number. “They call me, they tell me it’s my new banker, and they ask me ‘was it me who made the transfers'”. These transfers were invented by the fake bank advisor on the phone, who assures that he can block them provided that he can access the account urgently. This student complies. The scammer will succeed in extracting 1,200 euros from him. “It’s a big hole in the budget”he laments. These payment method scams have exploded in recent years.
From 250,900 in 2016, the number of complaints rose to 411,700 last year, an increase of 64%, according to the Ministry of the Interior. Total amount of damage: 5.3 billion euros. A brigade in the fight against bank card fraud sees the scammers reaching the level of organized crime. 17% of victims are aged 25 and 34. Against these scams, a new system will be launched in October to block malicious calls.