Fraud and collusion of public contracts: Terrebonne initiates legal proceedings

Legal proceedings will be initiated by the City of Terrebonne to recover sums that would have been unfairly paid in the awarding of public contracts after fraud or collusion.

The municipal council gave the green light to the proceedings during its meeting held on December 5th.

The identity of the individuals and companies targeted by these lawsuits, as well as the amount, cannot be revealed until the proceedings are filed in the Superior Court of Quebec.

“Beyond the recovery of the sums, the organization wishes to send a clear message: the City of Terrebonne cannot be defrauded with impunity. There are consequences to embezzlement and Terrebonne takes its responsibilities to recover the money of citizens, “said the mayor of Terrebonne, Mathieu Traversy, on Wednesday.

A database was created by the team dedicated to the recovery of sums to group together all the contracts awarded from 2001 to 2016 after public tender processes or at the invitation of the City’s executive committee.

Remember that under the law, the deadline for initiating these proceedings is December 15, subject to a suspension of deadlines.

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