Françoise Hardy fan of Valérie Pécresse: “She’s the only one who says intelligent things”

In a few weeks, French citizens will choose Emmanuel Macron’s successor – unless they decide to renew his mandate. From April 10 to 24, 2022, the ballots will twirl, the ballot boxes will crack under the weight of civic duty, the tension will rise on the side of the Elysée and will be elected, at the end of the race, the 26th president or the 26th president of the Republic. For Françoise Hardy, who watches the world evolve confined to her apartment in the 16th arrondissement, the possibilities are slim between the various candidates in the running.

Françoise Hardy affirms not to be 100% on the right, nor on the left, even less extremist. Which, inevitably, leaves him little choice in our political landscape. “In my eyes, only Emmanuel Macron and Valérie Pécresse have interest, she explains in the columns of the magazine Gala. Only Valérie Pécresse says intelligent things. It is just unfortunate that she belittles herself by persisting in demolishing a President who inherited more than forty years of economic irresponsibility and had to manage the unmanageable.

Marine Le Pen has proven that she has no knowledge of economics

The admiration is therefore mutual between the two women. Recently interviewed by the newspaper The world, Valérie Pécresse assured that her adolescence had been rocked by the title Personal message, by Francoise Hardy. “I believe that when you run for the presidency of the Republic, it is essential to have knowledge of economics, continues the singer. But Marine Le Pen proved in 2017 that she has none. Neither does Anne Hidalgo. When we know that she has already indebted Paris by 7 billion euros since the start of her second term, we can measure the extent of her shortcomings… Those who are in an ideology x or y don’t care about the economy . They ignore everything to a dismaying point.

It is better to forget birthdays

The future seems very cloudy for Françoise Hardy, who nevertheless celebrated her 78th birthday on January 18, 2022. The ambient climate, the Covid-19 pandemic which is smashing the planet does not make her want to stay with us, or even blow the wind. lesser candle. “It seems to me that from the age of sixty it is better to forget about birthdays, concludes the artist. As far as I’m concerned, it knocks me out. I never have time to respond to all the wishes received. But I see signs of affection in it, and it’s the only gift worth…

Find Françoise Hardy’s interview in Gala magazine, n°1493, January 20, 2022.

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