François Sarano, the man who dives with sharks

The shark is the star of the oceans. He fascinates as much as he terrifies. The fear of sharks is very present in our imagination. The deadly attacks that multiply around the world and his status as a bloodthirsty monster in the movies do not help to make this sympathetic species sympathetic. However, the shark deserves a closer look.

Gifted of the seas, his senses particularly developed and he is able to move very quickly. Above all, despite its impressive size and carnivore profile, the shark is essential to maintain a balance in the oceans.

Are sharks really human eaters to be wary of?

For the knowledge, Sidonie Bonnec receives Francois Sarano. He is a doctor of oceanography and a professional diver. With his wife Véronique, he founded the association Longitude 181 for the protection of the ocean. He is also the author of the book In the name of sharks which will be published by Actes Sud on February 2.

An endangered species that must be preserved

Despite beliefs, sharks are fragile animals. While they have a long lifespan that can range from 10 to 80 years depending on the species, their sexual maturity is late and their low fertility. Indeed, they can have a few young to 30 per litters, and this, every 1 to 3 years. These characteristics make that the renewal of their populations is very slow. Therefore, their adaptability to changes in their environment is very low.

Today, 74 shark species are threatened with extinction and 67 species are near threatened. Like other species, sharks are fishing victims.

They are often fished only for their fins for gastronomic purposes. The mutilated body of the living fish is then thrown back into the sea. Their cartilage is also used in many products known to be anti-cancer and anti-asthma. Oil from their liver, rich in squalene, is used to make moisturizers and adjuvants for vaccines. Finally, their skin is highly coveted by luxury leather goods and their teeth by the jewelry store.

However, the presence of sharks in the oceans is essential. Their safeguard guarantees the protection of all other species. To protect them, it is essential to preserve the entire ecosystem on which they depend and to limit fishing.

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