François Legault wants to make peace with mayors

François Legault proposed to Quebec mayors to bury the hatchet on Thursday, after a month of high tensions. However, he was careful not to announce additional transfers.

Before the Union of Municipalities of Quebec (UMQ), the Prime Minister assured that he wanted to make “peace” with the cities and promised to change the way in which he dialogues with them.

In mid-April, he said that mayors were coming to “beg in Quebec” to replenish the public transport deficit, rather than “cleaning up” their expenses.

Thursday morning, François Legault became more conciliatory. “We don’t always agree, but the important thing is that we all work for the same world,” he said. “Let’s forget the wars of words. We all work for Quebecers. »

The Prime Minister, however, was careful not to announce new transfers to municipalities, pleading instead that his government was much more generous than its predecessors in this area.

“If I increase transfers to municipalities, it’s a shortfall that I have,” he said.

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