François Legault disrespected Anglophones by making an inaugural speech in French only, according to the PLQ

The Liberals accuse François Legault of disrespecting Anglophones by delivering a unilingual opening speech in French.

• Read also: Quebec should draw inspiration from Alberta’s sovereignty law, according to the PQ

“Unlike the Prime Minister who did not utter a single word in English during his opening speech, the Chief [du Parti libéral du Québec] showed genuine respect for the 14% of Quebecers who identify as English speakers because of language [et] of the content of his message,” Liberal MP Désirée McGraw wrote in a message posted on social media.

Called to react to the declaration of McGraw, the interim leader of the Liberal Party agreed that it would have been “well advised” for Mr. Legault to say a few words in English in his opening speech last Wednesday.

The minister responsible for the Laval region, Christopher Skeete, does not believe that his party lacks respect for Anglophones. “I always answer questions in English”, he breathed, in English.

The Prime Minister put the survival of the French language at the heart of his inaugural speech. In particular, he admitted that his reform of Bill 101 will not be enough to curb the decline of French, and affirmed that the survival of French is intimately linked to immigration policy.

More details to come…

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