François Jolivet wants to continue his mission as deputy for Indre

In 5 years in office, and despite the confinement, I have traveled more than 200,000 km… That tells you if I am a deputy who goes to meet the inhabitants !” exclaimed François Jolivet.

Fighting against the territorial divide

The outgoing LREM deputy from the first constituency of Indre formalized his candidacy and was invested by Renaissance – the new name of LREM – in early May. “Because I didn’t want Indre to give a deputy to the NUPES movement or to the RN. That’s why I hope to win” slips the candidate who wants to defend his record. “I was not an absent member. I crisscrossed the territory, I received a lot in my permanence and moved to those who could not come. I heard a lot of joy and anger. I want to continue to work to answer these angers“.

To his credit, the deputy brandishes his intervention to get police jobs in Chateauroux,even if it was not the same success with the gendarmes…” he recognizes. He also underlines his pride “to have raised 20 million euros for fiber in the department” and to have passed an amendment so that the orphans of Covid caregivers are wards of the Republic. “I also made possible the revision of the Mis and Thiennot trial“ underlines François Jolivet.

But there are still things to do. “We have removed the numerus closus. But you have to wait 10 years to see the effects“… i.e. two terms of deputy. François Jolivet also wants to emphasize the territorial network in terms of public services. “I tried to bring the voice of the Indre to Paris and not to bring that of Paris back to the Indre. We did not do everything well but I think that Indre was not excluded from the successes“.

The legislative elections will take place on June 12 and 19.

The other candidates in the first constituency of Indre:

National rally: Mylène Wunsch

Reconquest: Sandrine Felder

Nudes: Eloïse Gonzales (rebellious France)

The Republicans: Alix Fruchon

Labor struggle: Véronique Gélinaud

Animalist Party: Camélia Boissou

source site-38