François Hollande regrets the “lack of dialogue and respect for social compromises”

“What the trade unions are asking for is that there be a clear vote”, added the former President of the Republic on Tuesday on franceinfo, for whom the government favored “a political agreement rather than a social agreement. “.

“There is, as on many subjects” with this government “a lack of dialogue and also of respect for social compromises”and this is the case, with the pension reform, regretted Tuesday March 14 on franceinfo, the former President of the Republic, François Hollande.

>> Pension reform: why Thursday’s vote in the National Assembly looks very uncertain

In a context where the majority vote is not assured, the government can resort to article 49.3 of the Constitution and engage its responsibility. The leader of the deputies of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, announced on Monday that her group would table a motion of censure in the event of 49.3 and vote for it.‘”entirety” other motions of censure. “It’s a legitimate procedure”believes François Hollande, but “everyone knows that the motion of censure will not pass”. The former President of the Republic considers that it would be difficult “to be understood, even unacceptable” that the left vote a motion of censure of the RN at the initiative of the RN. “Let’s not think” that this motion of censure “can pass“, he warned. “Such a motion, likely to bring down the government, would not garner enough “positive results.”

“We need clarity”

“What the trade unions are asking for is that there is a clear vote“, he continued. The government has privileged “a political agreement rather than a social agreement”develops François Hollande for whom “this political agreement” concluded with LR, must “to meet at the time of the vote in the Assembly”. “We need clarityinsists the former President of the Socialist Republic, when deputies are elected on a program, they must go all the way in the application of this program, this principle does not seem to me to be questionable”.

“Monsieur Dussopt has a relationship with the truth that is a little distant, sometimes.”

Francois Hollande

on franceinfo

François Hollande pointed out the inconsistencies of Olivier Dussopt, in particular on the number of beneficiaries of “1,200 euros” minimum pension promised by the Minister of Labor or even “the fact that he presents” this reform as a left-wing reform, “as he negotiates with the LRs”.

The opportunity also for the former President of the Republic to return to the Touraine reform of 2014, which enacts the principle of extending the contribution period to obtain a full pension. “I extended the contribution period, but I accompanied this evolution by criteria of arduousnessdefended François Hollande. Difficulty, long careers, departure at 60 for those who had worked for a long time or exercised difficult jobs, these are the bases which could have made it possible to improve the situation today (…) If the left were to return to responsibility, it would have to reintroduce hardship, play on long careers and extend the contribution period“.

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