François Hollande at the helm



Article written by

“A.Bard, H. Puffeney, E.Pelletier, G. Le Goff, D. Fuet, E.De Pourquery, L.Lavieille” – France 2

France Televisions

Wednesday November 10, the former President of the Republic François Hollande, testified during the trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015. In a recording already shown in court, it was possible to wait for the attackers to accuse him of being responsible for the attacks.

He was escorted like a head of state by the police on Wednesday, November 10, but it was as a witness that François Hollande appeared at the bar of the trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015. “This testimony, I owe it to all the victims and to all the families”, he said at the start of his speech. Asked by the victims’ lawyers about the extent of the terrorist threat at the time and whether it was underestimated by the government, he assures us that they did not have “the information which would have been decisive in preventing the attacks of November 13”.

The attackers implicated François Hollande and claimed to want revenge for the intervention in Syria. The former head of state recalls that the planned attack predates the French strikes in Syria. Strikes aimed at limiting the terrorists’ capacities for action. Several times the former President of the Republic has been asked if he regrets certain decisions. “If I had the slightest doubt about what we had done, I would tell you by expressing the forgiveness I would ask for”, he says.

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