François Hollande announces his support for Anne Hidalgo and wants to take part in a “reconstruction” on the left

The former head of state was in Limoges (Haute-Vienne) to support the socialist presidential candidate struggling in the polls.

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“I still vote socialist”. François Hollande gave his support on Tuesday March 22, 2022 “faithful and loyal, especially when it’s hard” to socialist presidential candidate Anne Hidalgo. The former President of the Republic acknowledged the “extremely difficult context” of the current campaign, but Anne Hidalgo “has courage, tenacity, so she has my support” during a meeting in Limoges (Haute-Vienne). The socialist candidate is credited around 2% of the votes in the polls.

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The former head of state called for “to continue the great movement which is called socialism, and which has not finished its way”during this meeting in the presence of 400 to 500 activists and supporters. “It’s up to us to be there the day after the election”he continued, adding that a “initiative must be taken to rebuild the left of responsibility”. “The election will determine the very conditions of recovery” of the left of government, declared François Hollande. “I’ll do my part”he assured.

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