François Hollande and Julie Gayet married: chic white dress and first details revealed

Never say never. François Hollande, to whom no woman had managed to put the ring on his finger, finally let himself be tempted! As we learn from the La Montagne site, Julie Gayet and the former President of the Republic said ‘yes’ to each other this Saturday, June 4 in the afternoon during an intimate ceremony in the city of Tulle in Corrèze , dear to the heart of the 67-year-old politician. Only those closest to the couple, including Benjamin Biolay, friend of the bride, were able to attend the civil wedding that Mayor Bernard Combes, friend of François Hollande, was happy to officiate.

François Hollande had opted for an elegant suit, classic outfit for the politician that he is. Julie Gayet had obviously opted for a magnificent white dress with asymmetrical sleeves – one long, the other not – cream pumps and a bouquet composed in particular of eucalyptus. On the photo revealed by The mountainJulie Gayet and François Hollande, visibly on the stairs of the town hall, display magnificent smiles, symbols of this new happiness shared both after a complicated formalization.

Julie Gayet could not have hoped for a better birthday present. The day before, on June 3, the actress of Ten percent was celebrating its 50th birthday. A small party also celebrated in Tulle, and no doubt with the wedding guests, before D-Day! In Tulle, Julie Gayet feels at home there. She had also qualified the town of her “city of hearts“, where she has taken her habits since she is in a relationship with François Hollande.

In 2018, the lovers even became owners of a house in the heights of Tulle to put down their suitcases during their many trips to Corrèze. It would have been difficult for François Hollande to draw a line under the ties that tied him to the city for so long. As a reminder, the ex-companion of Ségolène Royal, with whom he had 4 children (Thomas, 37 years old, Clémence, 35 years old, Julien, 34 years old and Flora, 29 years old), was deputy of Corrèze before to be appointed president of the county council. Julie Gayet, his now young wife, could not do him better honor.

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