François Hollande against marriage: why did he change his mind with Julie Gayet?

He who never married Ségolène Royal and Valérie Trierweiler finally changed his mind with Julie Gayet: “His ties and his relationship with Julie are extremely strong. So I wasn’t surprised and told him that was fine and he had to do it. He is extremely modest, he always has reservations about marriage, that’s true. But precisely, probably with age (he is 67, editor’s note) and whatever Julie wished, he overcame those reservations he always had. And he was right.”

For almost ten years, Julie Gayet has been François Hollande’s first support, an indispensable and gentle presence who has undoubtedly finished convincing him. “She also knows all her responsibilities when we have dinners with big business leaders, or press bosses. It is clear that she knows like us to step back from François” continued Jean-Pierre Jouyet. The latter also quickly felt a change in his friend, “serene“, “really happy” and “much in affection.” “She helped balance François” he concludes. Balance now unshakable.

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