François Busnel moved: He bids farewell to La Grande Librairie, Augustin Trapenard takes his first steps

On Wednesday July 6, 2022, France 5 broadcast the 500th program of The Great Bookstore. A somewhat special anniversary because it also marked the last of Francois Busnel. Thus, at the start of the program, the 53-year-old presenter bade farewell to the public.

It was in 2008 that François Busnel first presented this literary program that he created. The shock was therefore immense for viewers when they learned that next season, he would only be in control and that another presenter was going to take the reins of The Great Bookstore. Now he wantsmake movies and series, write and shoot documentaries, produce new talents“as he had explained to the Parisian. He therefore hosted his last show last night and called it back at the launch of the 500th. “The Great Bookstore which takes a new direction this evening because you may know it if you read the newspapers and if this is not the case, I have the joy of announcing it to you: this 500th is the last one I have. honor to introduce you. But that doesn’t mean the end of the show, quite the contrary. She will return on September 7 with a new face that I am very happy to welcome and that you will discover during the broadcast. Obviously, there was no question of leaving without saying goodbye to you“, first confided the companion of Delphine de Vigan.

François Busnel then explained why he had made the decision to no longer present this program that he “love“.”Life is short and the desire is endless. So choices have to be made“, he specified without failing to thank the televiewers whose “loyalty and unconditional support have been driving forces“. He then received Amélie Nothomb, the godmother of the program, who did not hide her emotion. Leïla Slimani, Dany Laferrière, Daniel Pennac, Philippe Besson, Mohamed Mbougar Sarr, Marie-Hélène Lafon, Yann Queffélec, Philippe Claudel and Cécile Coulon and Philippe Labro were also present on the set to present the book thanks to which they have become what they are today.

François Busnel’s successor on the set

And surprise, during the broadcast, François Busnel warmly welcomed his successor. Thus, some have discovered that it is Augustin Trapenard who was chosen. He quickly asked him which presenter he would be at the start of the school year. “First you will not be far and I rejoice. This is one of the reasons why I happily accepted to succeed you. Because it’s all about perpetuating something. (…) What joy to perpetuate this French exception. It will obviously be a question of continuing to defend the book trades. (…) I am proud to do it by your side“, confided the host of Boomerang (France Inter).

Once his face to face with Augustin Trapenard ended, François Busnel was then surprised to discover videos during which literary personalities addressed him a few words. How to touch it. Then, it was time to say goodbye to the public that he once again did not fail to thank. Just like all the teams of The Great Bookstore. He got a standing ovation before leaving. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart, my gratitude is immense“, he concluded in particular.

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