François Busnel, child of the DDASS? He restores the truth to his story

Tonight is airing a new issue of The big bookstorethe meeting place for literature lovers on France 5. The opportunity to find the presenter Francois Busnelwho interviewed the greatest: Jean d’Ormesson, Amelie Nothomb and even Barack Obama. A book-loving journalist who lifted the veil on the mystery of his youth on Europe 1 a few days ago.

Guest of the Culture media show, François Busnel had the right to his pre-fame portrait (before fame) traditionally drawn up by Lisa-Marie Marques. The journalist and columnist was therefore logically returned to the childhood of the literature specialist. The opportunity for François Busnel to put an end to the rumors concerning the beginning of his life and the fact that he would have been a child of the DDASS, which he says he did not really have been. I was adopted it’s true, I don’t make a mystery of it. It’s weird. There are always things that are taken up like that and become truthshe explained. “I was lucky to have mostly adoptive parents who I consider my parentshe concluded then, paying homage to those who raised him.

Always on the lookout for new projects (such as the literary magazine America which he founded with Eric Fottorino and driving for 4 years from 2017 to 2021), the 52-year-old journalist is just as fulfilled in his love life. Indeed, he is now the companion of the novelist Delphine de Vigan. A relationship that cost them a lot of trouble when the latter went to the journalist’s show in 2011. More than ten years later, the two lovers have not left each other. “She is someone who overwhelms me, she is infinitely free in her head, in her choices, no one can dictate to her, she poetizes the names of things, even in moments of fatigue, of greyness, she is someone ‘one who will brighten your day, with a word, a remark, sometimes a smile, she impresses me enormously, every day” confided François Busnel in the program Tea or coffee in 2018.

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