François Bayrou plays his political future


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MoDem trial: François Bayrou stakes his political future

The leader of the centrist Modem party, François Bayrou, is gambling on his political future on Monday February 5, while the courts will deliver their verdict on the affair of the parliamentary assistants of his party. – (France 3)

The leader of the centrist Modem party, François Bayrou, is gambling on his political future on Monday February 5, while the courts will deliver their verdict on the affair of the parliamentary assistants of his party.

While the prosecution requested three years of ineligibility and three years in prison against François Bayrou, leader of the centrist MoDem party, it should deliver its judgment on Monday February 5. His political future, as well as that of ten other party executives, will be decided at the Paris judicial court. MoDem elected officials are being prosecuted for complicity or concealment of embezzlement of public funds.

30 months in prison and 3 years of ineligibility

The courts accuse them of having made their parliamentary assistants, paid by European funds, work only for their MoDem party, between 2005 and 2012. François Bayrou was forced to resign from his post as Minister of Justice in 2017, during the opening of the preliminary investigation. Prosecutors are demanding a 30-month suspended prison sentence for the centrist, as well as a 60,000 euro fine and 3 years of suspended ineligibility.

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