François Bayrou evokes “a secession movement of a part of the country which has a desire for revolt”

“We can see that this is a secession movement from a part of the country that does not understand, does not find itself, and has a desire for revolt”, said François Bayrou, president of the MoDem, mayor of Pau and high commissioner general for planning in 2020, invited on Saturday February 12 on France Inter, concerning the movement called “freedom convoy”. It is, according to him, a “moment of protest” motivated by “the will to block the country, to obtain one does not know what exactly”.

“We see that an important, significant part of our compatriots no longer believes anything they are told”he lamented. “These are women and men who were in the general feeling, shared the events and who suddenly reveal themselves on the fringes, discover that they can no longer follow”added the president of the Modem.

“They don’t believe politicians anymore, it’s been a long time, they don’t believe journalists anymore, they don’t believe scientists and doctors anymore”he continued, pointing “a movement of doubt” who -according to him- “began centuries ago, with the questioning of the church, the overthrow of the monarchy and the revolt against many powers”.

But, for François Bayrou, “this is the first time that we have come, in a great country like ours, a great scientific country, of medicine, to question the word of those who are there to treat us”.

Two months before the presidential election, François Bayrou also warned against “the risk of waves of revolt among citizens and voters” “if it happens that major candidates are prevented from presenting themselves because the signature system would have blocked them”. The president of the Modem thus recalled that “neither Jean-Luc Mélenchon, nor Marine Le Pen, nor Eric Zemmour have them and are quite far from having them” their 500 signatures of elected officials to be able to participate in the presidential election. According to him, “It’s a situation that jeopardizes trust” if otherwise “marginal candidates” get their 500 referrals.

“The mayors, the elected officials, are the guarantors of democracy. It is part of their responsibility to ensure that trust reigns (…) It is good that they prepare to give the necessary boost”he insisted, explaining that he had “reserved his signature”, “in a trans-partisan spirit” in case the situation he “dreads” was showing up.

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