François and Roberto, the doctor and the tenor

The doctor disappears

A funny ballet, for 30 years, that of Marie-Laure and François. They worked together. He was one of Aumale’s doctors, she looked after the affairs of the office. We met them in the city, we made an appointment at the office … Then, pschittt, a few times a year they disappeared for a week or two. Some knew, but many wondered what the hell they were doing. The answer is simple, they were at the opera. Except that they weren’t satisfied with their subscription to the Théâtre des Arts, Marie-Laure and François, when they went to the opera, it could just as well be in New York as in Vienna or Milan.


It must be said that François has been in this for a long time. His grandmother was an extra in the operas that were performed in the region. And on Sundays, family meals always ended with listening to a song on Grandma’s vinyl turntable. So imagine that when Marie-Laure married him, she got up to speed. She found herself contaminated, too, by the love of opera. To the point that this consuming passion has taken them to the 4 corners of the planet.

Roberto Alagna

And then, one fine day in 1991, they watched Eve Ruggieri on television. No doubt in the show Music to the heart on Antenne 2. And there, it is the revelation. It evokes a young artist in the making. The one that we will quickly consider as one of the greatest tenors in the world. A little protégé of Pavarotti. His name is Roberto Alagna and he will soon be performing in Avignon. François is under the spell. He convinces Marie-Laure to make a return trip by car, the weekend of the concert. They love it, of course. And at the end of the concert, they go to the boxes where they get to know the tenor. They sympathize, exchange their contact details … And the case is launched. Today, Roberto is known around the world, adored by aficionados. And his children squeal with joy when he announces to them that we are going to spend the weekend at aunt Marie-Laure and uncle Francois.

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