François Alu very close to Chimène Badi, how she won his heart!

Sunday January 29, 2023, France 2 will release a new issue ofA Sunday in the countryside presented by Frédéric Lopez. For this meeting, the host has invited three personalities: the actor Michel Boujenah, the singer Chimène Badi and the star dancer, François Alu. The youngest of the trio returned to his time on the show through an interview given to our colleagues from Tele-Leisure.

The juror of the last two seasons of Dance with the stars on TF1 has agreed to participate in this program which he defines as “exciting” to live a new experience. A moment when he was able to indulge on “his journey, his injuries and the lessons he learned from them”. The 29-year-old was curious to meet these two celebrities he knew by “reputation”. And he does not regret having responded favorably to the invitation. “There were some very strong moments, especially with Chimène Badi. She shed a few tears while evoking certain periods of her life. It touched me a lot. She drooled over it but she remained strong. She’s a woman combative and it is a very good example for all people in difficulty. Michel Boujenah also looked back on his sometimes tumultuous life. The obstacles he faced echoed what I experienced”.

The show allowed them “to establish a link”. “We have sent each other a few messages since the end of filming and I would be delighted to find them on another show or even over a coffee”.

If at the moment no one knows if a new season of DALS will be scheduled, François Alu will perform at the Olympia for his first solo performance, baptized Completely thrown away Sunday February 5, 2023.

See also: Denitsa Ikonomova in heaven: Kisses and hugs galore… This ex-Academician who literally cracked her up!


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