François Alu cash on his baldness!

This Friday, March 17, France 5 broadcast bald revenge. This documentary by Valentin Mollette and Paul Sanfourche, narrated by Kyan Khojandi, collected the testimony of several men, known or not, so that they can tell their “intimate and collective revolution” and break a male taboo. Among them, Eric Judor, Carlito, François Alu, Fabrice Eboué, Frank Leboeuf, Laurent Baffie, Cyrus North.

The juror of the last two seasons of Dance with the stars on TF1 then confided in his bald head: “It may be a little reminiscent of death“, he let go before continuing by saying: “Because when you’re sick, or things like that, you’re in the hospital bed, you have no hair, you have nothing.”. Moreover, some of his relatives advised him hair implants. “They told me : ‘But you know, now it’s great what they are doing, really, don’t hesitate! And then there is a plan, cheap, in such a place…’ And I was like, ‘Ah, OK well thank you, that’s nice, but no'”. For the simple and good reason that “it didn’t never crossed my mindof the young dancer.

A horrible wig to combat the bald head

The ex-footballer also shared his feelings on the subject, which was particularly painful at the start of his career. early in his football career. “I was ashamed of everything, of this head, of everything I was doing“. To cope with this, the 98 world champion opted for a wig for several months. “It’s really a horror to wear a wig. People who make fun of people who have a wig have not understood the suffering. Yes it’s ridiculous to have a wig, especially now. But there are twenty , thirty years old, we had no choice because, socially, it was not acceptable to be bald”.

Jade’s father added: “We are faced with a reality, it is that, the bald is an old man. We will consider you as someone who is at the end of his career. […] You are starting your career, and we are already wondering if you are not at the end.

See also: “Nothing is holding us back!”, François Alu’s big announcement (“Dancing with the stars”) on Instagram, Denitsa Ikonomova in heaven!


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