Franck (Love is in the meadow), his ex Anne-Lise “uneducated” and “ridiculous”: cash secrets

Frank will long remember his experience in Love is in the meadow. The 46-year-old forester and market gardener had decided to bring two women to his farm in 2021, Anne-Lisea 40-year-old professor of literature and Cecile, a 43-year-old employee in a sensory analysis laboratory. After several days, Franck had let Cécile go, not ready to move in with him, and put in a relationship with Anne-Lise. Unfortunately, the farmer had ended up realizing his mistake and his feelings for Cécile. It is therefore with a broken heart that Anne-Lise went home in stride. Since then, the two have been cold.

She was upset that I’m in love with Cécile more than her. She wants me to death“, had confided after the fact Franck, adding that for his part, he had not appreciated that she suggested to him to sell his property. Revelations which made Anne-Lise cringe, who threatened to file a complaint against him last December. But the affair was finally left unaddressed, as Franck recounts during an interview for Here “The complaint anyway was inadmissible“, he said. And to tackle her: “I found it very petty, uneducated. It was like her, all wrong !.

She showed her true face

Franck also returned to this story of the sale of property which precipitated their breakup. “Why do you see me on the show becoming cold to her? There is a reason and it is after that! It took me 20 years to buy it and suddenly, a woman I don’t know tells me : ‘honey, we will sell the property’. Me, it was never my goal to enjoy life with someone. My goal is to live with a companion on the property, it’s not banging sorrel! She wanted to stop working and move there with the children.. (…) I told her that she had to support her lifestyle through her work and support her children financially. What’s Normal“, he reported, referring to cut scenes in the editing.

At that time, Franck understood that with Anne-Lise, he did not share the same values ​​at all. “I come from a family that does not show, it is the aristocratic principle. It was a bit the thing that opposed me with Anne-Lise. For her, you have to show, you need the big car ! (…) I realized that we did not have the same way of life. I’m from a social background that I assume, but I really am. Anne-Lise gives herself the air of a social milieu to which she does not belong. Her attacks, her threats of complaint have ridiculed her. She showed her true face and it’s a shame“, he laments to our colleagues.

The candidate of M6, however, has no grudge against the professor and ensures not to blame him. “Maybe she was deluding herself. And that, I am sorry. I wish her to find someone and be happy“, he concluded.

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