Franck Dubosc makes an unexpected revelation about Denitsa Ikonomova…

At 58, Franck Dubosc signs his return behind and in front of the camera in his new film “Rumba la vie”, comedy which tells the love between a father and his daughter. The actor plays the role of Tony, in his fifties, a school bus driver withdrawn and who lives alone after having abandoned his wife and child twenty years earlier. Shaken by a heart attack, he will find the necessary courage to face his past and enroll incognito in the dance class led by his daughter, whom he has never known, with the aim of winning her back and giving a meaning to his life.

A project which therefore asked Danièle’s companion to perform a few dance steps. And to do this, the actor called on one of the most famous dancers of the PAF. He indeed addressed Denitsa Ikonomova, dancer then star juror of “Dancing with the Stars”. “I met her a year before shooting started through mutual friends and asked her to help me.“, he confided in an interview given to our colleagues from TV Grandes Chaînes.Denitsa said yes right away. She was very happy to participate, and above all, she knows how to do it. She manages to quickly teach a choreography to someone who can’t dance“, he explained.

In this film which evokes the sometimes complicated relationship between a father and his children, Franck Dubosc of course thought of those he has with his two sons Raphaël (12 years old) and Milhan (10 years old) born of his union with his partner Danielle. “Children can be ungrateful, and love is not something that is given and equated“, he admitted recently in an interview with Nice-Matin. “I wanted to talk about fatherhood because I feel guilty leaving my children to work… It’s one of the big worries in my life. Ever since they were little, I’ve left them for filming. I wanted to treat this subject by magnifying the line.“, he indicated in the columns of TV Grandes chains.


See also: “I would like to leave …”: the enigmatic message of Franck Dubosc on Instagram

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