Franck Dubosc dad: the only images of his sons Raphaël and Milhan, 12 and 9 years old

At 58, the very popular Franck Dubosc is the father of two children, born of his beautiful love story with his wife, the discreet Danièle. As soon as he is not filming, the actor, director and comedian takes advantage of his free time to spend it with his sons, Raphaël (12 years old) and Milhan (9 years old). But he avoids subjecting them to his notoriety and almost never exposes them…

Since becoming a father, the hero of Camping preserve as much as possible the privacy of his sons. We have just seen him at a few major events with them, such as in the stands of the Parc des Princes or the Stade de France to attend football matches or during a petanque tournament on the French Riviera. But, finally, Raphaël and Milhan appeared on their own in front of a camera when they came to disturb their famous dad who was then a guest on a live Instagram with host Arthur, in 2020, during confinement linked to the coronavirus pandemic. A very rare opportunity to see the faces of the two young boys.

Franck Dubosc, who blames himself for being an absent dad when he is taken several months by film shoots, recently spoke about how he sees himself as a father. Interviewed by the newspaper Nice morninghe then said:Both modern and too old to be a dad! I take my little ones in my arms. But that doesn’t mean they’ll love me any more than I loved my dad, who didn’t hug me. Children can be ungrateful, and love is not something that is given and made equal.”

On the cinema side, Franck Dubosc is about to make his return to the big screen. He will release his second film as a director – and in which he plays – titled rumba life, August 24. Very active, he is also expected soon in Griddle then Ten more days without mom, merry christmas or Dog and cat !

Find Franck Dubosc this Thursday August 11, 2022 in comedy Bison TF1, from 9:10 p.m.

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