The film “Joyful Christmas” by Clément Michel is released in theaters on Wednesday. A mainstream comedy with Franck Dubosc in the role of a good Samaritan. He dreams of a friendly Christmas but his two guests, alias Danièle Lebrun and Danielle Fichaud, will spoil the party.
Reading time: 3 min

A Christmas film that feels good without being cheesy. December 25 is made to say that we love each other, British comedies have taught us this, but also to do a good deed. And Franck Dubosc, as a good dad, wants to do the best… In theaters on December 6, Merry Christmas is served by a very contrasting cast, bringing together Patrick Chirac from Camping and Danièle Lebrun of the Comédie-Française.
A traditional dad
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Vincent Barand (Franck Dubosc) will learn this the hard way. This father in his sixties lives in a comfortable house with his wife Béatrice (Emmanuelle Devos). He is very attached to traditions, particularly those of Christmas. He bought a beautiful tree and a huge turkey, set a pretty table. All that is missing are his two children (he is angry with the third) and his two grandchildren.
But at the last moment, everyone will fail him. His wife would almost rejoice in the situation, happy at the idea of having a one-on-one New Year’s Eve with her loved one. He is deeply disappointed. He then decides to listen to the advice of his parish priest and welcome a single person into his home for Christmas. He himself recently lost his mother. Finding an “old guy” to put him at his table won’t be so easy. And when he finally succeeds, he finds himself forced, out of the kindness of his heart, to welcome not one but two little old ladies: Monique and her friend Jeanne known as Jeannette. It’s the start of a Dantesque evening. A totally unforgettable Christmas, we won’t say more.
The gunslinging grannies
In the role of the evening gun-toting grannies, two actresses with the same first name even if the spelling differs: Danièle Lebrun, from the Comédie Française and the Canadian Danielle Fichaud. They excel in their roles as unworthy grandmothers. One carried on the bottle, the other, a former shot put champion, particularly fits inside.
To write this film, director Clément Michel was inspired by an anecdote that his mother had told him. A couple of his friends had invited a lady from a nursing home for the holidays. They had come as a couple and had totally “exploded the evening”. His film of course evokes Santa Clause is garbage“an overwhelming reference” according to him, but we also think of Aunty Danielle by Etienne Chatiliez, a fierce comedy released in 1990.
Danièle Lebrun has the bottle
Personally, the filmmaker says he loves Christmas a lot but he also knows that it is a time that divides. “There are those who love it and those who hate it outright.”, he explains. He saw this family celebration which crystallizes so many opposing feelings as a good starting point for writing his film. Under the influence of comedy, it also touches on more serious themes: the loneliness of elderly people, the fear of growing old.
The filmmaker gave Franck Dubosc the leading role: that of a touching man, a little stuck, who does not want to disturb, not to hurt, seeking at all costs to please. In contrast, his wife, played by Emmanuelle Devos, is much more “cash”. The actress impresses in this more unexpected register for her. She is very funny. We are pleased to see the elegant Danièle Lebrun again. At 86, she seems to delight in playing the wanton granny. Finally, those who have seen the film Aline by Valérie Lemercier most certainly remember Danielle Fichaud who played Céline Dion’s mother. The Quebecer is camping in Merry Christmas a character who moves, in every sense of the word. As in any self-respecting Christmas film, you can bet that everything will end well.
The sheet
Gender : Comedy
Director: Clement Michel
Actors: Franck Dubosc, Emmanuelle Devos, Danièle Lebrun and Danielle Fichaud
Country : France
Duration : 1H26
Exit : December 6 2023
Distributer : Gaumont
Christmas at the Barands is sacred! Especially for Vincent, the father, who is happy to see his whole family reunited. When his children cancel their visit at the last minute, he cannot conceive of the idea of spending the holidays alone with his wife. He therefore decides to go to a retirement home to invite a lonely resident to come and celebrate Christmas at their home. Then Monique and her best friend Jeanne arrive, who will quickly make themselves at ease and cause a happy mess… For all four, this December 24 promises to be as explosive as it is unexpected.