Francisation: not law 96, but almost, propose the conservatives

MONTREAL – Even if the Conservatives intend to repudiate Bill 96, their proposals regarding the francization of immigrants are largely inspired by it.

Passing through the metropolis, Éric Duhaime was accompanied by Claire Samson to present his ideas for better integrating immigrants into the French-speaking majority.

The Conservatives have already announced that they will get rid of Bill 96 if they come to power, on the pretext that it divides Quebecers and does not ensure that immigrants learn French.

On September 6, Éric Duhaime said he wanted to start again on “new bases”, and announced his intention to table a piece of legislation inspired by the Samson report on the francization of immigrants.

The Conservative Party of Quebec (PCQ) would focus in particular on two axes of this report. It would put in place an “integrated and in-depth francization policy, with a one-stop shop and a compulsory francization course for newcomers who have insufficient command of the common language”, indicated the party’s press attaché.

The PCQ also proposes to strengthen support for Montreal SMEs through the Workforce Skills Development and Recognition Fund.

However, most of the ideas put forward by the Conservatives have already been implemented or are in the process of being implemented.

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