The singer and the comedian want to offer “an alternative to political dictatorship”, against “the Republic”, according to them “the opposite of democracy”.
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The list is presented as “a coalition of ‘citizenist’ associations”under the banner Free France. Singer Francis Lalanne and comedian Dieudonné announced on Thursday April 18 that they would form a joint list for the European elections. They want each other “an alternative to political dictatorship”, against “the Republic”according to them “the opposite of democracy”.
“Too often, we have gone to confront the republican system in a dispersed manner. The time for unity has arrived on the boulevard of the Europeans,” explained Francis Lalanne. In the event of election to the European Parliament, the members of the list “will not have the power of decision, (which) will belong to the citizens’ assembly which would have brought them to responsibilities”, he elaborated. “Our elected officials will not decide anything”he added.
“The monster appears before them”
The comedian Dieudonné, for his part, presented himself as “the stone in this great mechanism of smoke, cynicism and lies” of the European Parliament. “I think this is my place : as long as you vote for a comedian, you might as well vote for a professional”, he quipped. The man who was convicted 31 times, notably for racial insults and inciting hatred, also claimed to have “soothed”advocating “respect for everyone, love and forgiveness”, and seeing in his “role” of MEP a way of “unmask the impostors.” “They have made a monster of me, the monster appears before them”he summarized.
Among the other personalities announced on the list, Christian Cotten presented himself as a “unusable psychosociologist and crazy psychotherapist”. This anti-vaccine figure, like Francis Lalanne, and from the conspiracy sphere, has been questioned in the past for his proximity to and his defense of sectarian movements.