The French presidency announced earlier in the week that a meeting in support of Ukraine will be held on Monday in Paris, with leaders from other countries,
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French President Emmanuel Macron spoke to his Russian counterpart. In a message published on Saturday February 24 on X, the French president warned Vladimir Putin that France’s support for Ukraine would not “will not weaken”. “Two years of war. Hit and bruised, but still standing. Ukraine is fighting for itself, for its ideals, for our Europe. Our commitment to it will not weaken”he wrote in this message posted with the Elysée account, on the occasion of the second anniversary of the Russian invasion.
“President Putin’s Russia must not count on any weariness among Europeans”, also warns the French presidency in a press release accompanied by a photo showing the head of state with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky. “The outcome of this war will be decisive for European interests, values and security. France is and will remain alongside Ukraine and the Ukrainian people,” continues the press release from the Elysée.
The presidency announced earlier in the week that a meeting in support of Ukraine will be held on Monday in Paris, in the presence of “several heads of state and government or [de] their ministerial representatives.” “This working meeting will make it possible to study the means available to strengthen the cooperation of partners in support of Ukraine”she added without further details.