franceinfo junior. Why launch new missions to the Moon?

While France joined the future lunar exploration program on Tuesday, we are talking about future lunar missions with Francis Rocard, astrophysicist, head of solar system exploration programs at the National Center for Space Studies (Cnes).

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France has just signed the Artemis agreements alongside NASA. Artemis is the name of the program for the future exploration of the Moon which aims in particular to create security zones to protect the resources of the Moon. On the subject, Saad wonders for example “why they are forced to return to the Moon.”

Nino and Saad are students in CM1 at the Boufflers school in Lille. They are the ones who interview Francis Rocard, astrophysicist, head of solar system exploration programs at National Center for Space Studies (CNES). Nino wonders if the astronauts “will lay down a French flag” during these next lunar missions. Saad continues to ask the specialist about the astronauts on this mission: “What day are they going to leave and at what time? And the rocket, what’s its name?” about the Artemis 1 mission, the first of its name. Saad also wonders what is on the Moon.

On this page, listen again in full to the answers to children’s questions about the next lunar missions.

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