franceinfo junior. “Who has more power, girls or boys?”

Agnès Barber, author, answers children’s questions.

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Reading time : 1 min.

On the occasion of International Women’s Rights Day on Tuesday March 8, the students of the CM2 class of the Fondary primary school in Paris ask their questions to Agnès Barber for his book Equality between girls and boys: I understood everything, illustrated by Rémi Saillard and published by Privat.

Leonie asks, “PWhy are girls more criticized for their looks than boys? For example, I’m tall and sometimes people make fun of me because I’m taller than the boys.”

Thais would like to know, “Why are there more boys in certain professions? And the reverse? For example, football, basketball, etc. And why are there fewer boys working as beauticians?”

Lola, meanwhile wonders, “Do boys and girls have the same brain?” .

“What can we do to make it progress, us children?”

On this page, listen to all the children’s questions and this franceinfo junior program.

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