franceinfo junior. What is the situation in Lampedusa for migrants?

After the arrival of several thousand migrants on the island, the children of frnaceinfo junior ask questions about Lampedusa and the situation of migrants. To respond to them in franceinfo junior: Jérôme Tubiana, advisor to Médecins sans frontières for refugees and migrants.


Reading time :
5 min

Thursday September 21, the children have a lot of questions about the situation on the Italian island of Lampedusa: thousands of migrants arrived there in a few days. It is one of the main gateways to Europe, via the Mediterranean from the African coast. Italy has asked for help to manage the situation and this news once again questions European solidarity in migration matters.

To talk about it, franceinfo junior hands his microphone to Jérôme Tubiana, Doctors Without Borders advisor for refugees and migrants. He answers questions from CM2 students at the Etienne Dolet school in Alfortville in the Paris region.

Madeline first asks into the microphone: “They leave their country because they are poor or for example because there are a lot of wars, problems?” Olivia then wants to know: “If they don’t have a house to house them, will they have to stay on the street?” In turn, Ulysses asks a question about the dangerousness of this crossing in the Mediterranean Sea. Violette wonders if some countries ban migrants.

On this page, listen again to this Franceinfo junior program on the situation in Lampedusa.

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