On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of this discovery, the franceinfo junior program explains to children what DNA is and how it works.
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DNA tests carried out via the Internet, traces of DNA among the oldest discoveries or even digital information recorded on DNA… the subject is, Tuesday, April 25, unavoidable and is part of our daily lives.
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However, the discovery of DNA is not so old: it dates back to 70 years ago, in April 1953. It is from this discovery, what has changed in our world and what is the DNA of which we are talking about this Tuesday in franceinfo junior.
To answer the children’s questions: Catherine Bourgain, researcher in human genetics and sociology of science at the‘National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm). At the maneuver to ask the questions: it is children who play the interviewers. These are students in CM2 at the Rouanet school in Paris.
On this page, you can re-listen in full to their questions and the answers given by the program of the day.