franceinfo junior. Tuesday January 4, World Braille Day

Françoise Magna, administrator of the Valentin Haüy association, answers children’s questions.

Article written by

Marie Bernardeau, Cécile Ribault Caillol – franceinfo

Radio France



Reading time : 1 min.

This Tuesday, January 4, we are celebrating World Braille Day with the CM2 class from Fondary primary school, in Paris. The students put their questions to Françoise Magna, administrator of the Valentin Haüy association.

“I have already read a book on the history of Louis Braille and it was initially difficult for him to integrate into his school for the blind. He was helped by a friend during school to help him. to fit in. But I would like to know at what age Louis Braille became blind and how did he become blind? “

Raphaël, 10 years old

to franceinfo

Thereafter, Raphaël will also ask if the alphabet that Louis Braille invented only exists in France or abroad as well.

Jeanne in turn wonders:“How was braille invented?” Arthur has a lot of questions to ask: “Why is there so little Braille writing? Because there is it on drugs or on sidewalks, on elevators, on keyboards, sometimes… but why not on other things? there is none, for example, on things to eat… “. He also asks if it is “difficult for blind children to learn braille?” And finally, “Does computers help blind children learn to write better?”

On this page, listen to all the children’s questions and this franceinfo junior program.

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