franceinfo junior. No to school bullying!

Tiphaine Dugrand, president of the Les Outsiders association, answers children’s questions on the day against bullying at school.

Article written by

Marie Bernardeau, Cécile Ribault Caillol – franceinfo

Radio France



Reading time : 1 min.

Today, Thursday, November 18, is the day of mobilization against school bullying and the students of the CM2 classes of the Picpus elementary school of application, in Paris, ask their questions to Tiphaine Dugrand, president of the Les Outsiders association which provides prevention and support in the Occitanie region.

For Isaac, 9 years old, “Harassment is people who take advantage of weak people to mistreat them, to hit them …” For Jouri, 10 years old, “It’s when people say that other people are different, they mistreat them.” For Johanne, 10 years old, “it’s when there is a student who annoys another and he continues until the other is so fed up that he changes schools or something …” Jouri asks the first question: “THEThe people who start harassing once they continue, does that mean they like to harass? “

How can people who are harassed stand it?

Then Johanne asks: “If we get harassed, how do we stop being harassed?” And finally Isaac, would like to know, “pWhy don’t we put supervisors to watch the stalkers? “

On this page, listen to all the children’s questions and this franceinfo junior program.

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