franceinfo junior. In which country did the tiger mosquito first appear?

At the microphone of franceinfo junior, Monday July 3, children ask their questions about the tiger mosquito. To answer them: Grégory Lambert, head of the Preventive Control unit within the Interdepartmental Agreement for Mosquito Control of the Mediterranean Coast.

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Reading time : 1 min.

A tiger mosquito biting a man.  (PHILIPPE PAUPERT / RADIO FRANCE)

It is almost everywhere and is gaining a little more ground in France every year: we talk about the tiger mosquito in franceinfo junior. On this subject, at the microphone, we listen to questions from CM2 students at the Louise-Michel school in Vigneux-sur-Seine (Essonne). To answer them: Grégory Lambert, head of the Preventive Control unit within the Interdepartmental Agreement for Mosquito Control on the Mediterranean Coast.

The first question goes to Ana-Maria: “How can one know how to differentiate a mosquito tiger and a normal mosquito?” asks the schoolgirl. In turn, Grace wonders how they feed themselves and Ashley which country they first arrived in. For her part, Iris is worried about her bites: “Can you die from a tiger mosquito bite?”

On this page, re-listen in full to this franceinfo junior program on tiger mosquitoes.

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