franceinfo junior. How to fight racism?

As an annual report on the subject comes out on Thursday, franceinfo junior talks about the fight against racism with Dominique Sopo, president of SOS Racisme and children’s issues.


Reading time: 7 min

There is a rise in identity tensions in France: anti-Semitism and racism are on the rise, as is the rejection of immigration, as noted in the latest annual report of the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights, published on June 27.

We talk about it in franceinfo junior with Dominique Sopo, president of SOS Racisme. He answers questions from CM2 students at the Vertus school in Paris.

On the show’s microphone, Shinran first wants to “why does racism exist”.

A question of definition now with Orain: “What is the difference between anti-Semitism and xenophobia?”

“If someone experiences racism, what can they do?” Souf asks. As for Edgar, he has a question about segregation systems.

“How do you fight racism?” Sacha asks in turn.

And the schoolboy continues: “How do you know when there is racism on the Internet?”

On this page, listen again to this Franceinfo Junior program in its entirety on the fight against racism.

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