franceinfo junior. How do volcanoes wake up?

In Iceland and Italy with Etna, current events lead us to talk about volcanoes in franceinfo junior. Today’s guest is Jacques-Marie Bardintzeff, volcanologist and university professor.


Reading time :
6 mins

The franceinfo junior program heads to Iceland, where the town of Grindavik had to be evacuated due to the threat of a volcano. We talk about it in franceinfo junior with Jacques-Marie Bardintzeff, volcanologist and university professor.

To get started, Youssouf first wants to know “how the volcano woke up”. Jade wonders if it’s a volcano “red or a gray volcano”, a pointed question answered by the guest. Maïssa’s turn: “How long has the volcano been dormant and how was it created?” Aida wants to know what causes a volcano and what causes an earthquake. “Why does the rock turn a little pink after an eruption?” asks a student. Amin is worried about the toxicity of the magma and its fumes. Nayla for her part wants to know if there are volcanoes in France. “How many volcanoes have you seen erupting?” asks Soumayya to today’s guest, a volcanologist.

On this page, listen again to this Franceinfo junior program on volcanoes.

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