franceinfo junior. Football player Candice Prévost answers children’s questions

On the occasion of the Bleues match this Tuesday against Canada, the editorial staff of franceinfo junior welcomes Candice Prévost, former PSG player and former international, president of the “Little Miss Soccer” association.

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Candice Prévost in the colors of PSG, in 2012. (©WILLIAM MORICE / MAXPPP)

The French women’s football team continues its preparation for the 2023 World Cup. This Tuesday evening, Les Bleues faced Canada, it is their second friendly match before the World Cup this summer.

>> Football: Le Sommer and Renard precious, Picaud faulty … The notes of the players of the France team against Canada

We talk about it with the students of the Pierre Dubois college in Laval and Candice Prevost, former PSG player and former international, and president of the “Little Miss Soccer” association. At the microphone and in the studio, Maïna first wants to know at what age the player started football and what made her want to do it. “Which player marked you?”, asks Ibrahima in turn. “What was your first professional club?”, continues Nina. Yassir wants to know in which club would have liked to play Candice Prévost.

On this page, re-listen in full to this franceinfo junior program recorded as part of a media education workshop “The writing of franceinfo junior”.

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