franceinfo junior. Explorer Christian Clot answers children’s questions

This summer, the children of franceinfo junior are playing explorers. Monday, July 25, Christian Clot returns with our young interviewers on his latest expeditions.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Among his latest adventures: an expedition to the four corners of the Earth in extreme climates, including one to Lake Baikal in Russia… The explorer Christian Clot recounts thirty years of adventure to the children of franceinfo junior.

Aksil first wants to know how many expeditions Christian Clot has made. The opportunity for the guest to retrace 30 years of expeditions: “I did my very first expedition at 16 (…) and I have never stopped since I started.” Expeditions that can also have a scientific purpose and that can be done “almost everywhere” and even in France. This is the case of the “Deep Time” expedition, “about fifteen people in a cave in the south of France” for 40 days “in a totally black world” without information about the outside world to study their reactions and adaptation. An expedition that the explorer recounted in the book Deep Time, 40 days underground (Robert Laffont editions).

When Noah wants to know “why Christian Clot makes the job of explorer”, Aksil has a question about the equipment used by the explorer on a mission. “Do you force yourself or do you like to do that, expeditions?”, then throws Noah.

Guiliane wants to know if the explorer has visited all the countries in the world. Christian Clot, who has visited 65 countries, replies: “Exploration is not necessarily going everywhere and seeing everything, it is often spending a lot of time in the same place to fully understand what you are exploring, discovering, looking for. ” The explorer also explains in this program where his next expedition will take him,Deep Climate Expedition”.

On this page, re-listen in full to this interview of the explorer Christian Clot by children.

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