franceinfo junior. COP 26 and young people

COP26: questions and fears of young people on climate change and possible actions to combat it.

Article written by

Solène Cressant, Cécile Ribault Caillol – franceinfo

Radio France


Reading time : 1 min.

On the occasion of the launch of COP26 in Scotland, students in CM2 classes at Picpus elementary school in Paris, put their questions to Etienne Monin, journalist specializing in environmental issues at franceinfo.

Fredestie, 9, asks “What is the Cop26 for? And when was the COP26 created?” In turn, Maxine, 9 years old, would like to know: “Can young people do things to stop pollution? Has COP26 already had effects on pollution and also against global warming?”

“Do all countries agree with COP26? Because there are some who may not agree”, Amanda thinks. Fredestie wonders again: “JI wanted to know if COP26 is really our last chance for the world? “

Finally, Maxine asks “vsow did we get to the point where there are young people who have to take to the streets to make things happen and that we did not think about it sooner? “

On this page, listen to all the children’s questions and this franceinfo junior program.

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