franceinfo junior. Can we write everything in a diary?

On the occasion of the Diary Festival, franceinfo junior is interested in the subject. To answer children’s questions: the director of this festival, Karine Hoarau-Glavany.

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Reading time : 1 min.

This weekend of Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 June is the Festival of the diary in Saint-Gildas-de-Rhuys in Morbihan. Write to tell what we live and what we feel, on paper or any other medium. But what is it for and why can it do us good? We talk about it in franceinfo junior with three CM2 students from the dry tree school in Paris. To answer their questions: Karine Hoarau-Glavany, director of the Diary Festival.

Sarah explains that she keeps a diary: she only writes in it when he “crazy stuff is happening”. The goal ? “To remember times like that, because everyday life is kind of boring.” But the journal has another use: “Jwrite sad stuff and good stuff to cheer me up, to tell me there’s always worse in life.” Myriam, who says she also writes, wonders if we can say everything in a newspaper, even things “excessive” and the “swear words”, which we are not usually allowed to pronounce. Mohamed talks to him about the gaze of the parents which can weigh on the newspaper, the fear that it will be discovered. Finally, Sarah asks herself: “Why are diaries intimate when Anne Frank’s diary was posted online and thousands of people read it?”

On this page, re-listen in full to this franceinfo junior program devoted to diaries.

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