Although they no longer make the headlines, bedbugs have hit the headlines in recent weeks. Today we are interested in their cousins: wood bugs or green bugs. There are many of them this fall.
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3 mins

You have certainly noticed them on your walls, inside your homes and in your gardens. These small insects measure between one and 1.5 centimeters, oval and flat in shape, they are green in summer and brown in autumn.
Wood bugs generally nest in glass wool, they gather on facades or window frames. Green bugs prefer vegetable gardens and love fruits, vegetables and flowers. They are certainly invasive but unlike bedbugs, these do not bite, they are absolutely harmless. On the other hand, they give off an unpleasant odor when they are crushed or scared.
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Heat favors their reproduction
They are particularly numerous this fall. This is explained by climate change. To reproduce, bedbugs like heat and as temperatures rise, they reproduce more. Each female can lay up to 200 eggs twice a year. And when the cold sets in as is the case now, bedbugs want to take shelter to spend the winter. And clearly our accommodation offers them an ideal refuge.
Don’t hesitate to kick them out! If you can, just grab a sheet of paper and place them outside. You can also install mosquito nets or nets to restrict their access to your home.