France wishes Ukraine “victory” and says it is ready to help unblock the port of Odessa

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11:54 p.m. : What to remember from the news of the day in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict? As the Battle of Sievierodonestk continued, Ukraine shelled Russian positions in the occupied Kherson region in the south of the country. Here is our daily report.

11:44 p.m. : Suspended since April, Russia announces that it is formally withdrawing from the World Tourism Organization, a United Nations agency responsible for promoting tourism.

8:14 p.m. : According to the Elysée, France is ready to participate in a “operation” around the port of Odessa, in southern Ukraine, to “to be able to pass boats despite the fact that the sea is mined”. The lifting of the blockade of the port would make it possible to export Ukrainian cereals to the countries which need it, in conjunction with the United Nations.

8:09 p.m. : The day after a call between Emmanuel Macron and Volodymyr Zelensky, the Elysée says “wish Ukraine victory”. “We want the territorial integrity of Ukraine to be restored,” insists the French presidency.

8:00 p.m. : Several long minutes of applause in homage to Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff on the Place de la République in Paris. #FredericLeclercImhoff @franceinfoplus @franceinfo

8:00 p.m. : Maxime Brandstaetter, who was with #FredericLeclercImhoff in #Ukraine: “He was always late, because Fred was shooting too much. Looking for the best shot, the best take. I feel like I spent those 34 days with him asking him: ‘Fred, are we going?'”

7:59 p.m. : The crowd gathered at the Place de la République in Paris in tribute to the journalist Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff sings in chorus “Ma France” by Jean Ferrat. #FredericLeclercImhoff #Paris

8:00 p.m. : We return to the Place de la République, in Paris, where the tribute to BFMTV journalist Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff ended with minutes of applause, in particular after the broadcast of My Franceby Jean Ferrat.

6:59 p.m. : All there for Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff

6:59 p.m. : ? “He wanted to use his lens to show us the reality in all impartiality” Sylviane Imhoff pays tribute to her son Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff ⤵

6:57 p.m. : A tribute is currently being paid, in Paris, to BFMTV journalist Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff, killed on May 30 in eastern Ukraine. The victim’s mother has just spoken, as have officials from the news channel and the Reporters Without Borders association. You can follow this ceremony live.

4:01 p.m. : Emmanuel Macron will visit Romania and Moldova in the middle of next week, June 14 and 15, confirms the Elysée to franceinfo. On the other hand, the head of state will visit Ukraine “when the time comes, which is not yet defined”.

3:33 p.m. : British Prime Minister Boris Johnson thinks “dismayed” by the death sentence of two Britons by pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine. Downing Street says it is working with kyiv on their release.

1:39 p.m. : Accused by Brussels of being instruments of “disinformation” of the Kremlin, the media Sputnik and RT (including its French-language version RT France) were banned from broadcasting in the EU from March 2, on television and on the internet.

4:14 p.m. : The news channel RT France is challenging the suspension of its broadcasting in the context of EU sanctions against Moscow before European courts. The Russian state media believes that this is an attack on freedom of expression, contrary to European law.

1:24 p.m. : In the south of the Ukraine, the Russians occupy two big cities at the edge of the Black Sea: Kherson and Melitopol. The Russians and the pro-Russians try on the spot to “Russify” the inhabitants, by facilitating accession to Russian nationality, for example. Boris Loumagne met residents.

11:59 : The International Criminal Court has opened an investigation into possible war crimes committed in Ukraine just eight days after the launch of the invasion by the Russian army. But its role is disputed: on the international scene, voices are calling for the creation of a special tribunal, which will in fact amount to dismissing the ICC, says an investigation by the investigation cell of Radio France. A debate that stems in particular from the tense relations between the Court and the United States.

10:16 a.m. : The subject is also on the program of Emmanuel Macron’s meeting with Macky Sall, President of Senegal and of the African Union, this morning. The latter has already announced that he intends to ask France to lift the sanctions against Russia, in particular the exclusion of Russian banks from the Swift messaging system. He says he received assurances from Vladimir Putin that the Russian army would not take advantage of any demining of access to Odessa, to allow cargo ships to resume exports, to attack this Ukrainian port.

10:11 a.m. : Yesterday, Volodymyr Zelensky asked the FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nationsto exclude Russia, in reaction to the paralysis of Ukrainian exports and the risk of shortages that this poses to many countries of the world.

10:06 : The Ukrainian army announces having carried out airstrikes on Russian positions in the region of Kherson, in the south of Ukraine, the most western territories among those taken by Russia since the beginning of its invasion. The Ukrainian general staff says it targeted “sites where equipment and personnel are concentrated and depots around five localities of the Kherson region”.

11:59 : Let’s recall the main news of this Friday:

• It is the last day of campaigning before the first round of legislative elections on Sunday. Yesterday on France 2, during the only major national televised debate before the election, lively exchanges opposed the participants on the question of purchasing power and police violence.

A parliamentary commission of inquiry into the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, unveiled its findings this night. She accuses Donald Trump of having been “at the center of a conspiracy” to orchestrate “a coup attempt” and retain power.

• During a telephone conversation with the Ukrainian President, Emmanuel Macron promised that “France will remain mobilized to meet Ukraine’s needs, including heavy weapons”. kyiv is asking for artillery pieces in particular to retake Sievierodonetsk, where the fighting is continuing.

twenty five past eight : No elections in one of the Parisian, which highlights the testimony of a young Ukrainian soldier on his 46 days of imprisonment at the hands of Russian soldiers, before being released on April 21 in a prisoner exchange. He claims that his Russian jailers have repeatedly mentioned their wish to “kill them all”, talking about Ukrainians. And wonders: “Why do they look at us like Nazis when they behave like Nazis themselves?”

07:14 : Yesterday, the Ukrainian forces also affirmed that the Russian army had bombarded more than twenty localities in the province of Donestk, the other component of the Donbass region. And Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov revealed that the fighting was doing every day “up to 100” dead and 500 injured.

06:56 : This morning, the governor of the Luhansk region, Serhiy Haidaï, announces that a fire caused by Russian bombardments has destroyed the Palace of Mirrors in Sievierodonetsk, an emblematic building of the city.

07:13 : “Sievierodonetsk, Lysychansk and other Donbass towns, which the occupiers now see as their targets, are holding their own”Volodymyr Zelensky said last night in his traditional daily address on social networks.

07:21 : Let’s start by recalling the main news of the last few hours:

• It is the last day of campaigning before the first round of legislative elections on Sunday. Yesterday on France 2, during the only major national televised debate before the election, lively exchanges opposed the participants on the question of purchasing power and police violence.

A parliamentary commission of inquiry into the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, unveiled its findings this night. She accuses Donald Trump of having been “at the center of a conspiracy” to orchestrate “a coup attempt” and retain power.

• During a telephone conversation with the Ukrainian President, Emmanuel Macron promised that “France will remain mobilized to meet Ukraine’s needs, including heavy weapons”. kyiv is asking for artillery pieces in particular to retake Sievierodonetsk, where the fighting is continuing.

• The man suspected of refusing to comply last Saturday in Paris, resulting in the fatal shooting of the police on his passenger, was indicted, in particular for “attempted intentional homicide on a person holding public authority”. He was remanded in custody.

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