Created in 2019, the Support Fund for Feminist Organizations will now benefit from 250 million euros over five years, announced the Secretary of State for Development, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou.
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Paris is strengthening its aid to women. France will increase its funding for feminist organizations, announced the Secretary of State for Development, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, on Sunday September 17, while women’s rights are “constantly, and sometimes violently, called into question” in the world. “We owe it to Iranian women, to Afghan women, to all women who suffer injustice and violence throughout the world”she continued.
Created in 2019, the Support Fund for Feminist Organizations will now benefit from 250 million euros over five years. “In three years, this fund has mobilized 134 million euros for the benefit of 1,000 associations in 75 countries”, detailed the Secretary of State. Thanks to this mobilization, “France has become the leading financier of feminist organizations in the world”, she congratulated herself. The new promised envelope constitutes “more than doubling compared to our previous commitment”she assessed, even if the annual allocation is only slightly increasing (50 million per year, compared to 45 million so far).