“France will be more and more exposed to this type of event”, deplores a member of the High Council for the Climate

The winter drought and the abnormally high temperatures currently affecting France will recur over the years, due to climate change, warns Magali Reghezza

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Many departments are currently hit hard by a winter drought. Météo France announces on Tuesday February 21 that the 2020 record, 31 days without rain, has been equaled. “France will be more and more exposed to this type of event”, warns Magali Reghezza, member of the High Council for the Climate, on France Inter. The geographer specializing in the environment and natural disasters evokes a situation of “multi-year drought”. “Normally in winter it rains to replenish the soil and the groundwater, but here it does not rain”she explains.

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Thirty-one days without rain. The situation is such that three departments are affected by water restriction measures. Added to this lack of precipitation is the lack of snow. This means that at “spring snowmelt will not feed the rivers”, says Magali Reghezza. The geographer, member of the High Council for the Climate, also points the finger at the very mild temperatures, which mean that “The glaciers are less loaded with water, so we won’t have a water supply in June either”. Faced with this situation, Magali Reghezza shares her “worry about whether these winters without rain will be repeated” in the years to come.

“France has warmed up by 1.7 degrees since 1900”, reminds the geographer. “In the 1960s, we once exceeded 40 degrees. This summer, it became something normal and we expect 50 degrees within 20 years in Paris”, she laments. Magali Reghezza fears that these droughts will cause a “increasing tension on the water”.

France “will not run out of water”, but the environmental geographer raises the problem of unequal distribution of water. Magali Reghezza pleads for a “agricultural support”especially since a “a number of cultures are not suitable”. But according to her, it is also necessary “consume differently” the water. “Maybe one year we can do without a swimming pool so that the farmer can have water”, launches the expert. Magali Reghezza believes that we will soon face “social choices”but one thing is certain, “we do not negotiate with the climate”.

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