“We cannot have a CAP that is so complex and incomprehensible, sometimes both for our administrations and our farmers,” believes the Minister of Agriculture.
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The Minister of Agriculture called, Wednesday January 31, from Brussels, to “simplify” quickly the procedures of the common agricultural policy (CAP), the complexity of which the sector criticizes. “We cannot have a CAP that is so complex and incomprehensible, sometimes both for our administrations and our farmers. We need to resolutely commit to the path of simplification”declared Marc Fesneau to the press.
“You have farmers today who do not know why the aid they receive. It is not a question of waiting for the new post-2027 CAP”, added the minister. The Twenty-Seven “must think about what we can transform immediately and immediately simplify, the adjustments to make taking into account market realities, geopolitical and climatic realities”he explained.
The issue of agriculture will be addressed on Thursday during a extraordinary European summit. Among the member states, “we have a collective demand for simplification, I feel that the Commission hears this message. But we need very concrete things”, insists Marc Fesneau. It evokes “exemptions, forms to complete, certificates requested” even when satellite monitoring is planned.
Furthermore, the 2023-2027 CAP grants “flexibilities” increased to States to adapt to local specificities, at the risk of having more or less strict standards from one country to another. “We don’t all have the same cultures or the same constraints,” but “it can be a source of distortion, if not of competition, at least of practices”recognizes the minister.