In addition to the 250 million euros already provided for this purpose in the 2024 finance bill, new credits must be announced by the Prime Minister.
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On Monday October 30, the French government presented a new strategy aimed at halving the use of pesticides by 2030 compared to the period 2015-2017. The reference indicator is the “Nodu” (number of unit doses), which takes into account the quantities of pesticides sold and the surfaces treated, at the maximum approved doses. France went from a Nodu of 82 in 2009 to 120.3 in 2018 before returning to 85.7 in 2021. According to the government’s new objective, it should drop to around 50 in 2030.
Representatives of the agricultural world, researchers and associations now have until November 30 to provide their comments on this text, “Ecophyto 2030”, which must be published at the beginning of 2024. The government proposes to be based on “the acceleration of the development of alternative non-chemical and chemical solutions to better prepare for the potential withdrawal of certain active substances”, according to a press release from the Ministry of Agriculture.
Initial action plans developed in cooperation with the various agricultural sectors must be presented in December. The government also wants to support the transition of pesticide users, in particular by strengthening their training or supporting their investments in equipment promoting agro-ecological practices. In addition to the 250 million euros already provided for this purpose in the 2024 finance bill, credits dedicated to “Ecophyto 2030” must be announced by the Prime Minister.