The director general of the National Cancer Institute calls for “the mobilization of French people”.
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Faced with insufficient participation in organized screening for breast, colorectal and cervical cancer, Health Insurance and the National Cancer Institute want “put in extra work” to remove the existing brakes, with various levers unveiled on Friday January 26.
“Participation in screening remains insufficient. For breast cancer, we are certainly at 47%, but the trend is downward. For colorectal cancer, we are collectively failing with a participation of 34%, very low compared to to the objectives of 60-70%. For cervical cancer, we are at 60%, but the objective is 80%”explained Thierry Breton, the general director of Inca.
A website launched
As the global cancer burden rises, the director general of the National Cancer Institute launched “a call for the mobilization of French people, because these screenings make it possible to cure much more and with fewer after-effects when cancer is detected early.”
“We are trying to simplify daily life to make screening programs more accessible.”
Thierry Breton, director of Incato AFP
For example, for colorectal cancer, screening for which is based on a test to detect occult blood in the stool, it has been possible since 2022 to order the kit on the internet or in pharmacies. For cervical cancer, the examination can be done by midwives or general practitioners, in addition to gynecologists.
A website,, also allows you to order colorectal kits or make an appointment. For invitations and reminders for screenings, Health Insurance is now taking over management, previously carried out by the regional cancer screening centers but considered unsatisfactory.